RECs Compliance


Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are essential tools in today's regulatory landscape, representing proof that electricity was generated from an eligible renewable energy resource. Our expertise in RECs allows us to support your business in navigating the complex compliance markets, ensuring you meet your Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) obligations with ease and contribute to a sustainable future.

Key Points:

  • Comprehensive REC Services: We purchase and sell RECs across all major compliance markets in the United States.
  • Expert Navigation: Our team assists in sourcing, trading, and managing REC portfolios tailored to your compliance needs.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure adherence to state-mandated renewable energy standards and avoid potential penalties.
  • Sustainability Commitment: Support the development of renewable energy projects and enhance your corporate environmental profile.

What It Is and Does:

Our RECs Compliance service is designed to help businesses meet their Renewable Portfolio Standards by facilitating the acquisition and management of Renewable Energy Certificates. RECs are tradable, non-tangible energy commodities that represent proof of 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity generated from a renewable energy source and fed into the power grid.

We provide end-to-end support in the REC market, including:

  • Sourcing RECs: Identifying and procuring RECs that meet your specific compliance requirements.
  • Trading: Leveraging our market expertise to execute REC transactions efficiently.
  • Portfolio Management: Monitoring and managing your REC holdings to align with regulatory changes and corporate sustainability goals.
  • Reporting: Assisting with the documentation and reporting necessary for regulatory compliance.

Why They Are Used:

Businesses utilize RECs to:

  • Meet Legal Obligations: Fulfill mandatory RPS requirements set by state laws and regulations.
  • Support Renewable Energy Development: Financially back renewable energy projects, promoting a cleaner energy grid.
  • Achieve Corporate Sustainability Goals: Align energy procurement with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives.
  • Enhance Brand Image: Position themselves as leaders in sustainability, which can be advantageous in the market and to investors.

Benefits to Customers:

  • Regulatory Assurance: Stay compliant with state and regional renewable energy requirements, avoiding fines and enhancing your reputation.
  • Market Efficiency: Benefit from our expertise to navigate complex REC markets efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Sustainability Leadership: Demonstrate your commitment to renewable energy and environmental stewardship to stakeholders.
  • Risk Management: Mitigate regulatory and market risks associated with renewable energy compliance.
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Our services help you comply with various state and regional renewable energy mandates, including:

  • NEPOOL GIS (New England): Administered by ISO New England, focusing on state RPS requirements across six states.
  • PJM GATS (Mid-Atlantic): Managed by PJM Interconnection, serving states with RPS programs in the Mid-Atlantic region.
  • M-RETS (Midwest): Covering the Midwest Independent System Operator's area, tracking RECs for compliance in multiple Midwestern states.
  • ERCOT (Texas): Overseen by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, facilitating compliance with Texas's renewable energy mandates.
  • WREGIS (Western U.S.): Administered by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council, supporting compliance across Western states and provinces.

Regulations typically require utilities and certain electricity providers to source a specified percentage of their electricity from renewable resources. Failure to comply can result in penalties or the need to make Alternative Compliance Payments (ACPs).

How we work

We work as a team with our colleagues and clients, sharing knowledge, insights, and experiences. We engage in discussions, ask questions, challenge each other, and value diverse perspectives. Our passion drives us to succeed, and together, we maximize our achievements. As experts in our markets, sectors, and products, we deeply understand financial and environmental products, risks, and opportunities. We invest in market knowledge to provide valuable insights. We are well-informed and understand the challenges our clients face in a rapidly changing world.

We act with integrity and take pride in our work. Our commitment to building a sustainable future is reflected in the trusted relationships we foster with clients, employees, and partners. We value transparency and uphold the highest standards of professionalism and respect.

We are meticulous, with a sharp focus on details and impeccable timing. Our enterprising and growth-oriented mindset keeps us agile and responsive to change. We take ownership, embrace responsibility, and are driven by our passion for success.